
The Village Board of Trustees meets the first Monday of each month at 7:00pm.  For more information click here for agendas and meeting minutes.  For a comprehensive list of meetings for the fiscal year, click here.


The board of trustees is the legislative body of a village. The board of trustees is comprised of the mayor and four trustees. The general powers of the board of trustees are set forth in Village Law § 4-412, which provides that:

In addition to any other powers conferred upon villages, the board of trustees of a village shall have management of village property and finances, may take all measures and do all acts, by local law, not inconsistent with the provisions of the constitution, and not inconsistent with a general law except as authorized by the municipal home rule law, which shall be deemed expedient or desirable for the good government of the village, its management and business, the protection of its property, the safety, health, comfort, and general welfare of its inhabitants, the protection of their property, the preservation of peace and good order, the suppression of vice, the benefit of trade, and the preservation and protection of public works. The board of trustees may create or abolish by resolution offices, boards, agencies, and commissions and delegate to said offices, boards, agencies and commissions so much of its powers, duties and functions as it shall deem necessary for effectuating or administering the board of trustees duties and functions.

This extremely broad grant of power enables the board of trustees to adopt a wide range of local laws to address village concerns as long as the action is not inconsistent with the constitution or certain state laws. In addition, Village Law §4-412 grants additional, more specific powers to the board. Examples from Village Law §4-412 include:

Matthew Traver, Mayor

Peter Williams, Deputy Mayor


John Boucher, Jr., Trustee

Ed Carpenter, Trustee

David Cutler, Trustee

  * Board description as per the 2012 NYCOM Handbook for Village Officials